We LOVE Christian Andre!
I am having my morning coffee right now and thought... I've never told these people about Christian Andre!! How sad, because you really should know! Some of you may have seen my link for Christian Andre coffee to the right of your screen. I really encourage you, if you love fresh coffee to buy a pound and just try it. It's so delicious. We have hard time drinking Starbucks now because it's so yummy. The coffee beans come from all over the world... some even from missionary farms. When you buy the missionary grown coffee, you directly support those missionaries and their work. The coffee is roasted per order... that means when you place your order, our friend Chris roasts the little green berries to make your coffee, and then he packs it up and mails it to you! The coffee is so fresh that at first I didn't know what to think of it, but now I love it. It's sort of like having fresh homemade bread right out of the oven, versus sliced bread from the supermarket. The supermarket bread is still good, but you'll always crave the homemade kind!
Tyler designed the coffee labels and the bags like this are being sold in a supermarket in Chicago. Isn't that super cool!
That's all for now!
That's all for now!