The Last Two Weeks...
It's been a while since I've written! I apologize to my 2 or 3 faithful readers! In my years of journaling I've learned that it's really hard to "catch up" when I haven't written in a while, so I usually try to touch on the high points. I will apply that rule to blogging.
Last time I wrote we were on our way to San Antonio... we had such a great time with my Mema. I miss her so much and wish I could see her more often. Tyler and I noticed while we were there that she and I are a lot alike. For instance, when I grab a quick drink of water at the sink or am taking my vitamins... I always put my left hand on my hip and then use my right hand for my cup of water. Mema does the same thing! We also both watch the weather faithfully. Maybe I perceived these things as a small child and thought they were "cool" so I adopted them? Who knows! We had fun though.
Then we drove to Midland... had a great time. WE ARE SO EXCITED TO MOVE BACK!! When we first decided, we were pretty timid about the decision... but the Lord has confirmed our decision in so many amazing ways... because He is so faithful and He cares for us! We are confident now in our obedience to Him!
After Midland, we high-tailed it to Dallas. Tyler is leading worship every Wednesday this month at Prestonwood in their chapel (minus Halloween). The first Wed. was AWESOME!!!!! I can not even describe it. The Lord moved in such a sweet way. I really felt like our worship was a fragrant aroma. At first, the people didn't really know how to take Tyler I think, because he is "edgy" and they are a more traditional type church. But by the second song, which was "How Great Thou Art" (such a special old hymn), they were SINGING!! What a special time at Prestonwood! Lord thank you for that opportunity! For all of my Dallas friends... I will be there with Tyler the next two Wednesdays! The service starts at 6:30 PM! Oh and by the way, we stayed with Trent and Natalie! It was SOOOO good to see them. Y'all wouldn't believe how big Meaghan and Cade are!
Since we arrived home... this last week has been full of planning, packing, and working. I'm trying to sub as much as I can for the extra money before we leave. I already have 9 big boxes packed! These next two weeks are going to be CRAZY! But time with the Lord lately has been so sweet. Isn't obedience to Him so exciting!? We are so thrilled about what the Lord is doing. And humbled beyond measure that He would choose to use us!
Last night we went to a Nickel Creek concert. It was so relaxing to get out of the house and listen to GOOD music!! They are so amazing! It's their farewell tour, so if they come to your town, I highly recommend going!

That's all for now!
Love to all!
Last time I wrote we were on our way to San Antonio... we had such a great time with my Mema. I miss her so much and wish I could see her more often. Tyler and I noticed while we were there that she and I are a lot alike. For instance, when I grab a quick drink of water at the sink or am taking my vitamins... I always put my left hand on my hip and then use my right hand for my cup of water. Mema does the same thing! We also both watch the weather faithfully. Maybe I perceived these things as a small child and thought they were "cool" so I adopted them? Who knows! We had fun though.
Then we drove to Midland... had a great time. WE ARE SO EXCITED TO MOVE BACK!! When we first decided, we were pretty timid about the decision... but the Lord has confirmed our decision in so many amazing ways... because He is so faithful and He cares for us! We are confident now in our obedience to Him!
After Midland, we high-tailed it to Dallas. Tyler is leading worship every Wednesday this month at Prestonwood in their chapel (minus Halloween). The first Wed. was AWESOME!!!!! I can not even describe it. The Lord moved in such a sweet way. I really felt like our worship was a fragrant aroma. At first, the people didn't really know how to take Tyler I think, because he is "edgy" and they are a more traditional type church. But by the second song, which was "How Great Thou Art" (such a special old hymn), they were SINGING!! What a special time at Prestonwood! Lord thank you for that opportunity! For all of my Dallas friends... I will be there with Tyler the next two Wednesdays! The service starts at 6:30 PM! Oh and by the way, we stayed with Trent and Natalie! It was SOOOO good to see them. Y'all wouldn't believe how big Meaghan and Cade are!
Last night we went to a Nickel Creek concert. It was so relaxing to get out of the house and listen to GOOD music!! They are so amazing! It's their farewell tour, so if they come to your town, I highly recommend going!
That's all for now!
Love to all!