8 Months Old

We are on the flip side of our first year.
I'm not sure what that means.
But what I was trying to say is that Aubrey is in the second half of her first year! This is proving to be my most favorite time with her so far. I am weird and actually loved the newborn littleness, and the sweetness of her as a teeny tiny baby. But 8 months is SO fun!
Aubrey isn't quite crawling yet, but she's almost there. Don't feel bad for her though! She's quite mobile, and rolling EVERYWHERE. And when I say everywhere, I mean it! The other day, I left the room for about 5 seconds to put up some clean towels and came back to find the front half of Aubrey's body stuck under our ottoman. She was laughing. Hysterically. I'm pretty sure she thought she had found a good hiding spot. I mean, if your head is hidden you disappear right?
She's very talkative. Says her "m's" and "b's", and screams, and laughs. She actually hilarious. She has a wonderful personality! She is so sweet, but then she's quite goofy!
I'm still so glad that she's here. So happy, and feel so blessed.