Happy Valentine's Day!!!

These last few months and the ones coming, have been months full of lasts.  With a baby coming... we both know that our lives are going to drastically change.  We are excited about those changes, we welcome them with open arms... but there are some things that we will have to give up.  So, that is why we are savoring our "lasts."  

Sleeping in until 11:30 or 12:00 noon and then having "breakfast" for lunch in our pajamas.  
Being our own little family of two.
Going out to dinner on a whim and not worrying with a babysitter.
Traveling and doing ministry... just the two of us.  
Running late through the airport with just my purse and Ty with just his guitar.  
Random road trips where we just talk for hours with no interruption.
Being the "kids" ourselves on Christmas morning.

This is not an exhaustive list... however, please don't think us selfish.  Just like there are lasts for us... there will be more glorious firsts.  

Holding baby girl for the first time and seeing daddy kiss her sweet face.
Being our own little family of three.
Worrying if the babysitter is doing a good enough job while we are on our first dinner date away from her.
The first time we get to the airport two hours early... with stroller, carseat, diaper bag, and toys in tow.
Spurring our daughter on to be a servant, and to love Jesus.
Watching her delve into her own presents on Christmas morning with a smile on her face.
Road trips where Veggie Tales movies are our best friends and having frequent stops for feedings and diaper changes become the norm.

The lasts are bitter sweet... and make wonderful memories.  

The thoughts of our firsts bring joy to my heart and excitement to my bones.

So... on our last Valentine's Day just the two of us... we look forward to the first Valentines Day, just the three of us.  


Anonymous said…
You don't need to worry that the babysitter is doing a good enough job because it better be ME!!!
You're right, it all changes but it is so worth it!
Trent Brown said…
Hey girl, In response to your comment on my blog. You have no idea how much we would love to have you guys at the Egg Smash. It is Easter weekend though? But I would so love to put Tyler and his boys on stage and let them play for the community. Of course, we would love just to see you guys!

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