Luke and Lee's wedding was wonderful! Such a busy weekend, but we had so much fun!! Don't pass out from shock, but I actually took pictures!!

Me and Lee Lee at the Rehersal... Our kids are so going to call her Aunt Lee Lee

Tyler playing the piano. He did an AMAZING job at the wedding!

Me and T.Dodds at the rehersal dinner

Some of the house party girls. We are SO FUN!

Lee Lee and Luker. So sweet...

The Radiant Bride

Amber told me that someday soon I would start feeling like super woman. I had a taste of that yesterday... y'all should have seen me! I only worked yesterday morning... so I did some shopping... used my bread maker (which by the way I'm obssessed with now)... ironed and hung curtains... took down and stored all of our Christmas decorations... paid bills... I had to stop myself. I was so exhausted that I was in bed by 8:30!
We find out January 27th if we are having a little girl or a little boy. I'M SO EXCITED!!!
What do y'all think it is?? What's your guess!? Girl or Boy?