Good Morning Sweet Friends!

I hope you are all doing well this morning and not too stressed while making your last minute preparations for Christmas!

I must confess that as much as I love Christmas, I have been a bit of a scrooge this year. Most of it is probably because of morning sickness and sheer exhaustion. Maybe next year I'll be back to my old Christmas loving self. I did have some hot chocolate last night... and it made me feel a little more cozy and Christmasy. Speaking of pregnancy things. I'm 14 weeks now and feeling MUCH MUCH better. Starting to feel like a normal human being again, which is a big step. Thanks for asking. :)

This is sad, but I have no idea what our Christmas plans are yet this year with my family. I guess I should find that out today. I really want to make some homemade rolls or something for Christmas dinner in my bread maker. YUM. Most of the fam is serving at our church's Christmas Eve service, so I assume that we'll celebrate on Christmas day.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL and COZY Christmas. Enjoy your families. We love you all and are so glad we're friends!!


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