Bailey's Week...
How can I describe my week while Tyler was gone!?!?
I tried to keep myself very busy, but it seemed as if the hours just crept by! I spent the first few days feeling left out and lonely... frustrated that I was not able to actively be involved in the mission in Hungary. How selfish am I!? God is good though, He actively pursued me into His Word... and daily I came away renewed... refreshed. Let me tell you that the first Monday that Tyler was away may have been one of the most challenging days in my walk with the Lord so far. I know it will sound trite... but I cried ALL day. I had a day off work, so pathetically I stayed in my P.J.'s all day, cried, and waited for Tyler to find a good internet connection in Hungary to talk to me. As if he didn't have anything better to do!! I was able to speak to Tyler a little that afternoon, but the internet connection was bad so we kept losing each other. Oh my... I was a wreck. I almost didn't go to Bible Study that night at the church... but I'm so glad I did. Isn't that always the way it is!? I'm doing "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place" by Beth Moore. I have NEVER done a Bible Study that has blessed me more than this one. The overwhelming theme in these first few weeks has been God's amazing pursuit of His people. I was taught growing up that God doesn't need us (which is true), but never taught that He actually WANTS us. Oh my, this has been earth shaking for me. I've tried so hard all of my life to be wanted, I've known that I'm accepted by Him... but to really believe that the Lord wants me!? My small mind is just having such a hard time wrapping around that truth. Think about it... the Lord commanded Moses to have the people build a tabernacle so that He could meet with them. They did not ask Him for a place (they should have, but that's beside the point!)... The Lord God wanted to meet with them. Same for us... we did not ask Him to send His son to be tortured and die on our behalf, so that we could forever be reconciled to Him... but He did anyway! Why would we not fall at His feet in worship over this... humbled beyond measure!? We are not just accepted into fellowship with Jesus... He wants us and pursues us! Anyway... so I went to my Bible Study and on the way home I wept in the car, and rejoiced, because the Lord made so clear to me that He WANTED me to stay home just as much as He wanted Tyler to go to Hungary. He had planned it... and He IS a planner. He wanted to teach me some things. This week I learned even more about intercession for my husband! I could go on and on... but I will spare you!
The Lord has encouraged me so!
Have you ever felt so pursued by the Lord... swept away in His love!?
My friends are amazing. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers on my behalf while Tyler was away. You all knew that I just do not sleep at night with out my man beside me. So you called and checked on me! You were all so sweet and kind! And thanks Mom for feeding me so many times! You saved me from overloading on peanut butter and jelly and cereal!
I did do fun things while Tyler was away! I did some shopping, and bought things that I now hate and that I need to find time to take back... and I went to a Homer Hiccolm concert. Can I just say that I am obsessed with them now!? Their drummer, Philip, is one of our close friends who plays drums for Tyler a lot. Y'all... seriously... buy their album on ITunes... Homer Hiccolm and the Rocketboys. There was one point during one of their songs that was so amazing, I teared up because I was so proud of them... and so honored to know them!
Me and my BFF Lee at the concert...
The Rocketboys!!!

That's all for now... I'm going to San Antonio this weekend to spend time with some of my BFF's! I'm so excited!
I tried to keep myself very busy, but it seemed as if the hours just crept by! I spent the first few days feeling left out and lonely... frustrated that I was not able to actively be involved in the mission in Hungary. How selfish am I!? God is good though, He actively pursued me into His Word... and daily I came away renewed... refreshed. Let me tell you that the first Monday that Tyler was away may have been one of the most challenging days in my walk with the Lord so far. I know it will sound trite... but I cried ALL day. I had a day off work, so pathetically I stayed in my P.J.'s all day, cried, and waited for Tyler to find a good internet connection in Hungary to talk to me. As if he didn't have anything better to do!! I was able to speak to Tyler a little that afternoon, but the internet connection was bad so we kept losing each other. Oh my... I was a wreck. I almost didn't go to Bible Study that night at the church... but I'm so glad I did. Isn't that always the way it is!? I'm doing "A Woman's Heart, God's Dwelling Place" by Beth Moore. I have NEVER done a Bible Study that has blessed me more than this one. The overwhelming theme in these first few weeks has been God's amazing pursuit of His people. I was taught growing up that God doesn't need us (which is true), but never taught that He actually WANTS us. Oh my, this has been earth shaking for me. I've tried so hard all of my life to be wanted, I've known that I'm accepted by Him... but to really believe that the Lord wants me!? My small mind is just having such a hard time wrapping around that truth. Think about it... the Lord commanded Moses to have the people build a tabernacle so that He could meet with them. They did not ask Him for a place (they should have, but that's beside the point!)... The Lord God wanted to meet with them. Same for us... we did not ask Him to send His son to be tortured and die on our behalf, so that we could forever be reconciled to Him... but He did anyway! Why would we not fall at His feet in worship over this... humbled beyond measure!? We are not just accepted into fellowship with Jesus... He wants us and pursues us! Anyway... so I went to my Bible Study and on the way home I wept in the car, and rejoiced, because the Lord made so clear to me that He WANTED me to stay home just as much as He wanted Tyler to go to Hungary. He had planned it... and He IS a planner. He wanted to teach me some things. This week I learned even more about intercession for my husband! I could go on and on... but I will spare you!
The Lord has encouraged me so!
Have you ever felt so pursued by the Lord... swept away in His love!?
My friends are amazing. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers on my behalf while Tyler was away. You all knew that I just do not sleep at night with out my man beside me. So you called and checked on me! You were all so sweet and kind! And thanks Mom for feeding me so many times! You saved me from overloading on peanut butter and jelly and cereal!
I did do fun things while Tyler was away! I did some shopping, and bought things that I now hate and that I need to find time to take back... and I went to a Homer Hiccolm concert. Can I just say that I am obsessed with them now!? Their drummer, Philip, is one of our close friends who plays drums for Tyler a lot. Y'all... seriously... buy their album on ITunes... Homer Hiccolm and the Rocketboys. There was one point during one of their songs that was so amazing, I teared up because I was so proud of them... and so honored to know them!
Me and my BFF Lee at the concert...
That's all for now... I'm going to San Antonio this weekend to spend time with some of my BFF's! I'm so excited!