Running, Rock the Desert, and Marriage
Just in case you were curious...
I will NOT be running a 1/2 marathon... Hm. Surprised? I just decided maybe throwing myself into a competition such as that when I have never run a mile in my entire life probably was not the wisest decision. Maybe a bit too ambitious. I am going to start running however and I'm looking into some 5K's that Tyler and I can enter first. We are going to work our way up to a half and then eventually a full marathon! We still might go to the Rock and Roll marathon in San Antonio though to support our sweet friends running for orphans!
Rock the Desert was incredible. Tyler did an amazing job... of course, and we had a blast hanging back stage! We did not encounter one unfriendly person and we had some great conversations with some of the artists. Yay for new relationships and friendships. I was hoping that Jon Forman from Switchfoot and Tyler would become best friends, but being the superstar that he is... he kind of laid low in his trailor all day. I did pass him and got really nervous... because well it was JON FORMAN. HELLO. I'm not easily starstruck... but when it comes to Switchfoot, I can't help it! We had the rare and so fun opportunity of going to lunch yesterday with Jimmy Needham - an up and coming artist. He's awesome and a very passionate song writer and his wife is so fun! They have incredible hearts for the Lord and for spreading the gospel. They are about to go on tour with Barlow Girl, and so all of my prayer warrior sisters... Please pray that the Lord would provide for them in a miraculous way, and that He would protect them as they head out to spread the gospel! Most of you know our story, and know that we have seen first hand the Lord provide in astonishing ways in our ministry, so we know that He is willing and ABLE to do so for our new friends! Praise You Lord! They have a new album coming out next week and you should all buy it!
I just finished a most amazing book by author Marla Taviano. It's a must read for all newlyweds, and I wish I had had it the week after our wedding day. But reading it over 3 years later was still very helpful!

GIRLS!! Buy this book. If you are already married she has 3 books total and she's running a special on her website where you get all three for only $20!! Buy these books and support a sister's ministry!
I will NOT be running a 1/2 marathon... Hm. Surprised? I just decided maybe throwing myself into a competition such as that when I have never run a mile in my entire life probably was not the wisest decision. Maybe a bit too ambitious. I am going to start running however and I'm looking into some 5K's that Tyler and I can enter first. We are going to work our way up to a half and then eventually a full marathon! We still might go to the Rock and Roll marathon in San Antonio though to support our sweet friends running for orphans!
Rock the Desert was incredible. Tyler did an amazing job... of course, and we had a blast hanging back stage! We did not encounter one unfriendly person and we had some great conversations with some of the artists. Yay for new relationships and friendships. I was hoping that Jon Forman from Switchfoot and Tyler would become best friends, but being the superstar that he is... he kind of laid low in his trailor all day. I did pass him and got really nervous... because well it was JON FORMAN. HELLO. I'm not easily starstruck... but when it comes to Switchfoot, I can't help it! We had the rare and so fun opportunity of going to lunch yesterday with Jimmy Needham - an up and coming artist. He's awesome and a very passionate song writer and his wife is so fun! They have incredible hearts for the Lord and for spreading the gospel. They are about to go on tour with Barlow Girl, and so all of my prayer warrior sisters... Please pray that the Lord would provide for them in a miraculous way, and that He would protect them as they head out to spread the gospel! Most of you know our story, and know that we have seen first hand the Lord provide in astonishing ways in our ministry, so we know that He is willing and ABLE to do so for our new friends! Praise You Lord! They have a new album coming out next week and you should all buy it!
I just finished a most amazing book by author Marla Taviano. It's a must read for all newlyweds, and I wish I had had it the week after our wedding day. But reading it over 3 years later was still very helpful!

GIRLS!! Buy this book. If you are already married she has 3 books total and she's running a special on her website where you get all three for only $20!! Buy these books and support a sister's ministry!