A Simple Update...

I feel as if there is nothing to talk about... but then again that's not true. I will just have to list the things going on. That will make things easier!

1. Tyler is sick today which makes me sad to be at work. I'd rather be home taking care of him. I think he'd rather me be home too!

2. Some our bff's are moving back to their hometown in Mississippi! We are so so sad, but then again we totally understand wanting to go home. And we also understand when the Lord calls you to do something that doesn't make sense and is totally crazy! The Lord will honor their obedience. We are certain of it! They will be greatly missed... but it won't be hard to stay friends with them. They are too wonderful!

3. We've had the last 2 weeks off from the road and it's been FABULOUS! We love being on the road, but the times when we get to stay home are extra sweet!

4. Last Friday night we had "Fabulous Fiesta Friday" at our house. Friends came over and we had a Mexican food feast and then watched a movie. It was so much fun!

5. We have become really passionate about the college/young adult ministry at our church. Tyler has been leading worship the past several weeks at their Wednesday night service, and we are so excited about what the Lord is doing. Tyler is going to start leading full band next week and I think we are naming it, so that it can include more people rather than just those going to school. We have tons of young adults in our church body who need community! Please pray for us in this endeavor as hanging in there with a new ministry is not always easy!

6. The Lord has been so interesting lately. I have really had to fight for my time alone with Him. It's been such a departure from my life in Georgia. I was able to seek him with little to no distraction. Tyler and I have both had to fight for focus... and we really feel that's what the Lord is teaching us in this time in our lives. He's teaching us how to focus despite distraction. We are really struggling in this battle, and lately we've kind of felt that the Lord has been quiet. But He's still the same and we are still going to seek Him regardless of whether we can hear Him loudly or not. We are also learning simply that life is about relationship with our Father. It seems so elementary, but I've really struggled with this. My relationship with Jesus is of the utmost importance. Not just my "having a relationship with Jesus..." like they talk about in church which is really just salvation. But a RELATIONSHIP... an intimate love friendship relationship. I am rambling... but maybe the Lord is taking us back to the basics that we've overlooked along the way because we were too busy trying to figure out how to look more like we have a relationship instead of actually having a relationship. Maybe I've selfishly read and studied the Word of God instead of allowing God to transform me. Maybe there is more going on than I even know about...

Hmmm... I will have to ponder this some more...

I've read like 15 books since my last book review... I have totally fallen down on my job as a book reviewer. I'm apalled with myself! Oh well... I'm sure we all will get over it.

That's all for now!


Molly Swanson said…
Bails, I'm so glad that you're my friend. I am so blessed to be able to move back to Midland and have an encouraging Godly woman here as my friend!!! I'm excited about all the things God is doing and how He is teaching you and Tyler. I'd love to come check out the college/young adults thing on Weds. sounds amazing. See ya Tues!

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