I feel I need to clarify a thought from my last blog... this is going to sound so elementary... but sometimes I think it's good to just think through your thoughts!
Repentance leading to a salvation is so important and the first step in having a true "relationship" with Jesus. However, most believers stop here and then live a dull and mundane life without ever really living in their relationship with Jesus. I've just struggled past this turning point of salvation with my self righteousness that says that past salvation, I don't need anything else from God. And I've even struggled with the thought that He might not want anything else to do with me... that maybe since He's already saved me, that He's moved on to someone else. But I want a loving and active relationship with Him! The Word says that we have already been given everything we need for life and godliness... but that does not mean that we are to neglect our relationship with Jesus. If I am too consumed with how I am to live this life, instead of being consumed with my relationship with the one who will teach me how to use the tools He's already given me in order to live this life... then I'm missing it! Everything falls back to relationship. Our God is relational. Just think of the trinity... three in one. There is relationship there. God created us to be relational with Him. He loves us very much.
That is so refreshing! Thank you Lord, that you allow me to have a real living and breathing relationship with you that moves beyond saving me from my sin... How humbling and wonderful knowing You is!
Just some unorganized thoughts on the subject,
Repentance leading to a salvation is so important and the first step in having a true "relationship" with Jesus. However, most believers stop here and then live a dull and mundane life without ever really living in their relationship with Jesus. I've just struggled past this turning point of salvation with my self righteousness that says that past salvation, I don't need anything else from God. And I've even struggled with the thought that He might not want anything else to do with me... that maybe since He's already saved me, that He's moved on to someone else. But I want a loving and active relationship with Him! The Word says that we have already been given everything we need for life and godliness... but that does not mean that we are to neglect our relationship with Jesus. If I am too consumed with how I am to live this life, instead of being consumed with my relationship with the one who will teach me how to use the tools He's already given me in order to live this life... then I'm missing it! Everything falls back to relationship. Our God is relational. Just think of the trinity... three in one. There is relationship there. God created us to be relational with Him. He loves us very much.
That is so refreshing! Thank you Lord, that you allow me to have a real living and breathing relationship with you that moves beyond saving me from my sin... How humbling and wonderful knowing You is!
Just some unorganized thoughts on the subject,