Have I said how excited I am that Kris Allen won American Idol.  I literally jumped off the couch and squealed when Ryan Seacrest made the announcement... jumped up and down... clapped my hands... almost cried... and then realized that it might have been a little ridiculous to react in that way and then I also remembered that I was 35 weeks pregnant.  

Last night I had a dream that me and Kris Allen's wife were best friends.  She was really nice in my dream.  We were pregnant at the same time... and we lived on the same street.  It was a bit odd... but we were BFF (in my dream) and I'm ok with that. :)

Baby girl's room is coming together nicely!!  I've done one load of laundry and I'm compiling clothing and blankets for another one.  It has been way to fun to fold her little clothes and hang them in her closet and put them in her drawers!!  We just ordered the rocking chair and it should be here in a week or so.  I can't wait!!  Once that comes in, I can decide where I'm going to hang things on her walls!!  

This week I have to pack my hospital bag!!  CRAZY!!!!!!  Any advice or tips from my mommy friends who have packed a hospital bag before... what do I REALLY need!!??  

I also had planned on doing a few more last minute things around the house!  I only have four weeks left... and one of those weeks Tyler will be out of town!!  So if you've ever prayed for us ever in your life... now would be a good time.  I'm so nervous that I will go into labor while my man is away.  

It's cloudy and rainy outside today so I feel no guilt about laying around the house all day watching the "Jon and Kate Plus 8" marathon on TLC.  And let me just say for the record... surely... SURELY... Jon didn't really have an affair.  That would just break my heart.  I can't wait for the season premiere Monday night to see what they have to say about it!!

Love you all!!


Kara said…
I took so much stuff that I didn't use. MP3 player that I didn't use because I had back labor and was in too much pain to listen to music, books to read while laying there (didn't even open one), robe (never even put it on). The one thing that I loved was the birth ball, I just bounced through the pain, if the pain hurts alot just ask for that. I would suggest you still take a MP3 player but the only thing I needed was my hubby who rubbed my back for 8 hours and never complained. I hope your labor isn't too bad and can't wait till your mom brings picture up to the church office of your little girl.

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