Being Spontaneous...
Tyler and I usually don't consider ourselves to be spontaneous people. We are rather predictable and since we spend a lot of our time on the road, on any normal night you will probably find us at home or with friends. We generally like to lay low. Last week, we truly worked our spontaneous and adventurous muscles and we had SO much fun that I think we might of opened a pandora's box of sorts...
The plan was to stay at a friend's cabin in Cloud Croft, NM for 5 days and get some much needed rest!

After 3 days of resting, reading, working puzzles, and fishing... basically, we were bored out of our minds. We left the cabin to pursue something interesting in Ruidoso, NM but made a wrong turn and ended up in Alamagordo. I pulled out the map while we stopped to get gas and I started thinking... let's do something EXCITING!
To make a long story short, we headed north on HWY 54, then west on I-40 and ended up here...

We had a great time... Seeing the majesty of God's creation was even more restful for us than anything else would have been. I walked up to the canyon and it literally knocked the breath out of me, then I cried. The pictures do not even begin to capture the beauty. We left that day praising an amazing and creative God!
Love you all,
By the way, David Cook TOTALLY stole the show last night on American Idol... Awesome! I think I'm leaning towards him as my favorite now!!
The plan was to stay at a friend's cabin in Cloud Croft, NM for 5 days and get some much needed rest!

After 3 days of resting, reading, working puzzles, and fishing... basically, we were bored out of our minds. We left the cabin to pursue something interesting in Ruidoso, NM but made a wrong turn and ended up in Alamagordo. I pulled out the map while we stopped to get gas and I started thinking... let's do something EXCITING!
To make a long story short, we headed north on HWY 54, then west on I-40 and ended up here...

We had a great time... Seeing the majesty of God's creation was even more restful for us than anything else would have been. I walked up to the canyon and it literally knocked the breath out of me, then I cried. The pictures do not even begin to capture the beauty. We left that day praising an amazing and creative God!
Love you all,
By the way, David Cook TOTALLY stole the show last night on American Idol... Awesome! I think I'm leaning towards him as my favorite now!!